Find My Phone

by admin
Find My Phone

Want to find your phone? Just Google it!

Losing your phone feels like losing your wallet. It’s stressed and some people get insane.

Trying to locate your phone is nightmare. Mostly you will try to call it from another phone to hear your ringtone.

Google just made something even better. Type three magic words into search, and you’ll find your missing handset.

Type: find my phone into Google, and provided you’re logged into your browser with the same Google account as your phone, you’ll instantly get a map of its location, along with the option to ring it.

To get at more serious settings — like the option to wipe your phone, before anyone can Facebook those nudes — you’ll still need Android Device Manager installed. But if you’ve lost your phone down the back of the couch (or had a particularly immemorable night out), a Google browser is all you need from now on.

This only works for Android phones and GPS needs to active




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