Female orgasms are magical and mysterious. However there are several misconceptions floating around. Is the G-spot a thing? Do women actually “squirt”? While we could blame porn, we took it upon ourselves to conduct some in depth research to discover the facts and the fiction surrounding the female orgasm.
Myth: Female ejaculation only happens in porn.
Truth: Female ejaculation or “squirting” happens both on and off the big screen. The fact of the matter is some women do and some women don’t.
To get real National Geographic with it, some women’s “urethral sponge”— an evolutionary by-product, like men’s nipples — produces fluid while others don’t.
When a woman is highly aroused, the sponge swells, and when the interior vaginal wall is pressed directly and intensely the fluid might release. (Note: It’s not urine. It’s like men’s ejaculate, but without sperm.) Aren’t you glad you repressed all of health class?
Myth: Vaginal orgasms are better than clitoral orgasms.
Truth: Only one things matters: Orgasm. While clitoral orgasm is often easier for a woman to achieve, it doesn’t mean it’s less intense than a vaginal orgasm.
A woman can orgasm through breast stimulation or simply from breathing. However, science does say that vaginal orgasms from intercourse can loosen up the muscle groups across a woman’s body, ultimately effecting the way she walks.
Myth: The G-Spot is not an actual thing.
Truth: For some women there’s a spot on the interior wall of the vagina that’s very pleasurable, and that’s what’s known as the G-spot (which is actually named after the German doctor Ernst Gräfenberg… lucky dude).
Other women are not as sensitive down there which is a shame.
Myth: Female orgasms are more intense than male orgasms.
Truth: Again, orgasms are orgasms. They are equally as intense and awesome for whoever is experiencing them. They’re also good for you.
Climaxing releases chemicals that boost levels of estrogen and testosterone, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair.
Myth: Woman’s vibrator can desensitize her clitoris.
Truth: No vibrator usage was linked to greater sexual function in measures of arousal, desire, lubrication, and yes, orgasm.
It’s possible that vibrator use does change sensitivity, but it’s also possible that receiving oral sex or having vaginal intercourse changes sensitivity, too!”
So, whip out the toys and have a little fun.